Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • Il Pionta a Berlino - InformArezzo

    10 Feb 2015, 2:23 pm

    Il Pionta a BerlinoInformArezzoE' stata eseguita una campagna fotogrammetrica con volo a bassa quota consentito dagli UAV (droni dotati di camere fotografiche) e integrazione con laser scanner 3D terrestre. “E' uno studio importante per la storia di Arezzo e per quella dell ...altro »

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  • Industria navale – La presenza CAM2 al Seatec - Tecn'èLAB

    10 Feb 2015, 3:03 pm

    Tecn'èLABIndustria navale – La presenza CAM2 al SeatecTecn'èLABCAM2 Focus3D, il laser scanner rivoluzionario senza contatto per la modellazione e documentazione 3D, e il CAM2 Freestyle3D, perfetto per eseguire scansioni in aree difficili da raggiungere, offrono la migliore tecnologia di scansione laser 3D per ...

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  • CAM2 lancia un laser scanner 3D portatile, innovativo e di semplice ... - EdilPortale

    13 Jan 2015, 6:31 am

    EdilPortaleCAM2 lancia un laser scanner 3D portatile, innovativo e di semplice ...EdilPortale13/01/2015 - CAM2, fornitore di tecnologia di misurazione e documentazione 3D leader a livello internazionale, presenta il nuovo laser scanner portatile CAM2 Freestyle3D, un dispositivo facile e intuitivo per l'uso in settori quali architettura ...altro »

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  • 3D laser scanning to gauge Taj strength - Times of India

    13 Jan 2015, 5:29 pm

    3D laser scanning to gauge Taj strengthTimes of IndiaAgra: The Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) will start the work of 3D laser scanning of the Taj Mahal from Wednesday to gauge its structural dimensions and strength. According to information, following some new reports that monument's minarets ...altro »

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  • CAM2 Freestyle, il laser scanner 3D portatile e di semplice utilizzo - Top Trade

    14 Jan 2015, 3:02 pm

    Top TradeCAM2 Freestyle, il laser scanner 3D portatile e di semplice utilizzoTop TradeIl nuovo laser scanner portatile CAM2 Freestyle3D è l'ultimo nato in casa CAM2, società del Gruppo FARO Technologies. Si tratta di un dispositivo facile e intuitivo per l'uso in vari settori tra i quali architettura, ingegneria ed edilizia (AEC), forze ...

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  • Topcon releases new 3D laser scanner - Spatial Source

    20 Jan 2015, 6:40 am

    Spatial SourceTopcon releases new 3D laser scannerSpatial SourceTopcon Positioning Group has released the newest edition to its GLS line of laser scanners — the GLS-2000. Featuring an expanded field of view, the GLS-2000 is designed to pair with ScanMaster v3.0 software for quickly capturing and processing 3D ...

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  • Laser scanning sheds a new light on animal habitats - YLE News

    26 Jan 2015, 11:08 pm

    YLE NewsLaser scanning sheds a new light on animal habitatsYLE NewsA major laser scanning project spearheaded by the National Land Survey of Finland has generated a welcome by-product. Intended to assess Finland's elevation data, the data also reveals the suitability of Finnish wilderness areas as habitats for Finland ...

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  • 3-D Laser Scanner Could Revolutionize Police, Security Procedures - CBS Local

    28 Jan 2015, 5:59 am

    CBS Local3-D Laser Scanner Could Revolutionize Police, Security ProceduresCBS LocalIn layman terms, this is how the 3D laser scanner will work. It will allow emergency teams to know every nook and cranny in any building that has been scanned. And there is more – how many times have you been behind an accident, stuck in traffic for ...altro »

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  • Laser scanning sheds a new light on animal habitats in Finland - Alaska Dispatch News

    28 Jan 2015, 2:37 pm

    Laser scanning sheds a new light on animal habitats in FinlandAlaska Dispatch NewsA major laser scanning project spearheaded by the National Land Survey of Finland has generated a welcome byproduct. Intended to assess Finland's elevation data, the data also reveals the suitability of Finnish wilderness areas as habitats for Finland ...altro »

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  • Laser Scanning - 2015 - POB

    3 Feb 2015, 9:30 pm

    Laser Scanning - 2015POBTo provide detailed information on trends in laser scanning among surveying professionals, BNP Media's market research division again worked with the staff of POB magazine to develop and conduct an annual market study. And just who did we learn from?

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Pagine totali: 26522


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