Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • Fotogrammetria e Laser Scanner - l'evoluzione della nuvola di punti ... - Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)

    24 Nov 2015, 6:26 pm

    Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)Fotogrammetria e Laser Scanner - l'evoluzione della nuvola di punti ...Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)Il 21 dicembre a Cusago (MI) si terrà un Corso sull'integrazione dei dati laser scanner con dati fotogrammetrici. Nella giornata studio si approfondiranno le tecniche di rilievo fotogrammetrico e laser scanner. Si svolgeranno un rilievo dimostrativo ...

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  • CAM2 lancia il nuovo laser scanner FOCUS3D X 30, un laser ... - EdilPortale

    27 Nov 2015, 6:24 am

    EdilPortaleCAM2 lancia il nuovo laser scanner FOCUS3D X 30, un laser ...EdilPortaleCome avviene nell'intera gamma di laser scanner di CAM2, il Focus3D X 30 ha un laser sicuro per la vista di Classe 1. “La flessibilità di utilizzo e l'elevato ritorno sull'investimento caratterizzano il Focus3D X 30 di CAM2”, ha dichiarato Joe Arezone ...CAM2 lancia il nuovo Focus3D X 30Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)tutte le notizie (2) »

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  • Tecnologie professionali in azione alla 2° Conferenza Utenti Laser ... - Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)

    27 Nov 2015, 11:22 am

    Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)Tecnologie professionali in azione alla 2° Conferenza Utenti Laser ...Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)Tra i 17 interventi ne citiamo alcuni: Luca Ercolin, Presidente della Zenith Ingegneria, ha mostrato un rilievo effettuato con laser scanner in ambito aeroportuale. I successivi interventi hanno visto poi Silvio Del Pizzo di Prisma con una ...

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  • Un workshop sulle applicazioni del laser scanner Focus 3D - Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)

    1 Dec 2015, 3:23 pm

    Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)Un workshop sulle applicazioni del laser scanner Focus 3DRivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)Mercoledì 16 dicembre 2015, presso il Collegio dei Geometri e Geometri Laureati di Foggia, in Via Sant'Alfonso de Liguori 155/e a Foggia, si terrà un workshop dedicato alle applicazioni del laser scanner Focus 3D. L'evento è organizzato in ...

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  • Laser scanning shows rates, patterns of surface deformation from ... - EurekAlert (press release)

    4 Dec 2015, 3:16 pm

    EurekAlert (press release)Laser scanning shows rates, patterns of surface deformation from ...EurekAlert (press release)Comparison of the new 2014 terrestrial laser scanner data with 2003 airborne laser scanner data also indicate that the earthquake caused vertical warping across the fault zone rather than forming a distinct vertical scarp, challenging notions of how ...altro »

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  • Demo held to spark 3D laser scanning use - News Kamloops (blog)

    14 Dec 2015, 2:27 am

    News Kamloops (blog)Demo held to spark 3D laser scanning useNews Kamloops (blog)Ira Laughy of Rapid 3D demonstrates use of handheld laser scanner for replicating mechanical parts. Share. Small Biz. While the cost of 3D scanning remains out of reach of many small businesses, collaborations between industry and research could bring ...

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  • MicroScan3 Safety Laser Scanner - IEN Europe

    14 Dec 2015, 5:19 pm

    IEN EuropeMicroScan3 Safety Laser ScannerIEN EuropeSICK has launched a new generation of safety laser scanners: the microScan3. microScan3 reliably protects hazardous areas, accesses, and hazardous points. Every detail has been reexamined. The result is a new benchmark for safety laser scanners, ...

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  • CartoConsult Partners with Proteus to Harness the Power of New ... - Spar Point Group

    16 Dec 2015, 7:56 pm

    Spar Point GroupCartoConsult Partners with Proteus to Harness the Power of New ...Spar Point GroupSwindon, UK, 15 December 2015 - CartoConsult has signed a joint venture agreement with Proteus to develop and promote the use of the latest laser scanning technology. As new systems are launched ... A provider of mapping and geospatial service, Proteus ...altro »

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  • TWI acquires laser scanner to help improve weld analysis services - Industrial Laser Solutions Magazine

    17 Dec 2015, 5:19 pm

    TWI acquires laser scanner to help improve weld analysis servicesIndustrial Laser Solutions MagazineTWI (Great Abington, Cambridge, England) has added a WiKi-SCAN weld inspection tool from Servo-Robot (St-Bruno, QC, Canada) to its technology offerings, which has the potential to reduce the duration and cost of projects requiring the analysis of weld ...

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  • University Creates Map Campus with 3D Laser Scanner - The Salt Lake City Picayune

    19 Dec 2015, 2:18 am

    The Salt Lake City PicayuneUniversity Creates Map Campus with 3D Laser ScannerThe Salt Lake City PicayuneThe department of Maps and Records will soon finish drafting and laser scanning the Main Quad this summer. The Main Quad is a project that began earlier within the year, which is to be used in updating the Stanford Campus Base Map, which is a ...

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Pagine totali: 26526


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