Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • Laser scanner helps WSP open roads quickly after major collisions ... - Enumclaw Courier-Herald

    4 Mar 2015, 10:15 pm

    Laser scanner helps WSP open roads quickly after major collisions ...Enumclaw Courier-HeraldThe newest edition of the Washington State Patrol's Good to Know video series features detectives using the latest laser technology to quickly clear roadways after an incident, ensuring driver and officer safety. The Trimble Laser Scanner does the work ...

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  • Libia, il patrimonio a rischio -

    5 Mar 2015, 8:58 am

    ANSA.itLibia, il patrimonio a rischioANSA.itIl progetto di recupero prevede: prospezioni geomagnetiche per restituzione planimetrica e programmazione saggi di scavo; impiego di Stazione Totale, GPS, Laser Scanner, Fotogrammetria stereoscopica, Fotomodellazione 3D per realizzare il modello ...altro »

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  • 3D laser scanner could revolutionize police procedures - Police News

    13 Feb 2015, 1:15 am

    Police News3D laser scanner could revolutionize police proceduresPolice NewsPITTSBURGH — Over the past couple days, Pittsburgh emergency management and homeland security have been training to use a 3-D laser scanner. “The way emergency management departments and homeland security plan to use them is with their ...

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  • Investigating Alternative Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing of ... -

    13 Feb 2015, 3:15 pm

    Azom.comInvestigating Alternative Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing of ...Azom.comDr Manuela Schiek's research at the University of Oldenburg involves studying the latest improvements in sustainable production of photovoltaics using confocal laser scanning microscopy. The research describes the use of alternative materials for solar ...

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  • Laser Scanning: How to Increase Efficiency in Design ... - Buildings (press release) (blog)

    24 Feb 2015, 4:40 pm

    Buildings (press release) (blog)Laser Scanning: How to Increase Efficiency in Design ...Buildings (press release) (blog)This session will provide an in-depth explanation of how using a Faro Focus 3D Laser Scanner can increase the efficiency of renovation teams undertaking projects for Healthcare and Academic clients but is also applicable to other types of clients, as well.

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  • Historians Capture World Heritage Site with 3D Laser Scanner - ArtfixDaily

    24 Feb 2015, 11:07 pm

    ArtfixDailyHistorians Capture World Heritage Site with 3D Laser ScannerArtfixDailyHistorians Charles Matz and Jonathan Michael Dillon went to the Muslim holy city of Harar in Ethiopa to take 3D scans of the city's historic structures. They captured the crumbling contours of the UNESCO world heritage site, and in the process, created ...altro »

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  • Laser Scanner 3D e sistemi APR - Ancona 13 marzo 2015 - Rivista GEOmedia

    26 Feb 2015, 8:55 am

    Rivista GEOmediaLaser Scanner 3D e sistemi APR - Ancona 13 marzo 2015Rivista GEOmedia... strumentazioni Laser Scanner ed APR, la spiegazione delle varie modalità operative, l'approfondimento delle loro integrazioni ed applicazioni di utilizzo, la pianificazione delle operazioni di rilievo, l'esecuzione pratica di un rilievo con Laser ...

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  • 3-D Laser Scanner Makes Haunting Works of Art - Discovery News

    26 Feb 2015, 6:02 pm

    Discovery News3-D Laser Scanner Makes Haunting Works of ArtDiscovery NewsTwo historians on a mission to preserve historic structures in Ethiopia inadvertently turned a cutting-edge 3-D scanning device into a tool for creating works of art. Lidar technology uses pulses of laser light to map the contours of 3-D surfaces and ...altro »

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  • Mosul: lo scempio dell'Isis visto dagli archeologi friulani - Il Friuli

    27 Feb 2015, 11:32 am

    Il FriuliMosul: lo scempio dell'Isis visto dagli archeologi friulaniIl FriuliCon l'ausilio delle più moderne e aggiornate tecnologie digitali messe a disposizione dall'Istituto per le tecnologie applicate ai beni culturali del Cnr (Laser Scanning e fotogrammetria digitale 3D), sono in corso di realizzazione la documentazione e ...altro »

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  • Laser Scanning Drones: XactSense is First to Fly Velodyne's New ... - Robotics Tomorrow (press release)

    2 Mar 2015, 6:43 pm

    Laser Scanning Drones: XactSense is First to Fly Velodyne's New ...Robotics Tomorrow (press release)Laser Scanning Drones: XactSense is First to Fly Velodyne's New Low-Cost LIDAR “Puck”. Visit for further information. XactSense inc. has developed a new platform for low-altitude aerial mapping using the newly released Velodyne ...altro »

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Pagine totali: 26522


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