Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • I periti riscrivono il dramma di Elena - La Provincia Pavese

    13 Mar 2015, 2:58 am

    La Provincia PaveseI periti riscrivono il dramma di ElenaLa Provincia PavesePer ricreare in ogni dettaglio la scena dell'incidente in cui rimase coinvolta Elena Madama sono state utilizzate due telecamere speciali, dette “laser scanner”, della ditta “Faro” (il software usato è “Faro reality”). I dati raccolti da questi ...

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  • Falls police hit cutting edge of crime scene investigation with new ... - Niagara Gazette

    16 Mar 2015, 8:13 am

    Niagara GazetteFalls police hit cutting edge of crime scene investigation with new ...Niagara GazetteDan Cappellazzo/staff photographerEugene Liscio of 3D Forensic Documentation Analysis and Visualization, demonstrates the Niagara Falls Police Department's new 3-D 360 degree Faro laser scanner. The NFPD is using the new technology to obtain ...

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  • Laser Scanning: How to Increase Efficiency in Design ... - Buildings (press release) (blog)

    24 Feb 2015, 4:40 pm

    Buildings (press release) (blog)Laser Scanning: How to Increase Efficiency in Design ...Buildings (press release) (blog)This session will provide an in-depth explanation of how using a Faro Focus 3D Laser Scanner can increase the efficiency of renovation teams undertaking projects for Healthcare and Academic clients but is also applicable to other types of clients, as well.

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  • Historians Capture World Heritage Site with 3D Laser Scanner - ArtfixDaily

    24 Feb 2015, 11:07 pm

    ArtfixDailyHistorians Capture World Heritage Site with 3D Laser ScannerArtfixDailyHistorians Charles Matz and Jonathan Michael Dillon went to the Muslim holy city of Harar in Ethiopa to take 3D scans of the city's historic structures. They captured the crumbling contours of the UNESCO world heritage site, and in the process, created ...altro »

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  • Laser Scanner 3D e sistemi APR - Ancona 13 marzo 2015 - Rivista GEOmedia

    26 Feb 2015, 8:55 am

    Rivista GEOmediaLaser Scanner 3D e sistemi APR - Ancona 13 marzo 2015Rivista GEOmedia... strumentazioni Laser Scanner ed APR, la spiegazione delle varie modalità operative, l'approfondimento delle loro integrazioni ed applicazioni di utilizzo, la pianificazione delle operazioni di rilievo, l'esecuzione pratica di un rilievo con Laser ...

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  • Laser Scanner 3D – Modena 11 marzo 2015 - Rivista GEOmedia

    26 Feb 2015, 8:55 am

    Laser Scanner 3D – Modena 11 marzo 2015Rivista GEOmediaL'Associazione Geometri Liberi Professionisti della Provincia di Modena, il Collegio dei Geometri e dei Geometri Laureati della Provincia di Modena e la SCAN&GO Surveying Technology & Solutions, organizzano un seminario dal titolo “Laser Scanner 3D: ...

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  • 3-D Laser Scanner Makes Haunting Works of Art - Discovery News

    26 Feb 2015, 6:02 pm

    Discovery News3-D Laser Scanner Makes Haunting Works of ArtDiscovery NewsTwo historians on a mission to preserve historic structures in Ethiopia inadvertently turned a cutting-edge 3-D scanning device into a tool for creating works of art. Lidar technology uses pulses of laser light to map the contours of 3-D surfaces and ...altro »

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  • Laser scanner helps WSP open roads quickly after major collisions ... - Enumclaw Courier-Herald

    4 Mar 2015, 10:15 pm

    Laser scanner helps WSP open roads quickly after major collisions ...Enumclaw Courier-HeraldThe Trimble Laser Scanner does the work traditionally done by detectives, but in about half the time and with only one operator. It scans items at the scene in order to recreate a 3-D version of the surrounding area which helps investigators determine ...

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  • Staking Out The True Value of Leica 3D Laser Scanning - POB

    7 Mar 2015, 7:00 pm

    Staking Out The True Value of Leica 3D Laser ScanningPOBFor most laser scanning projects, the time required to capture the data onsite is reduced by at least 50 to 70 percent compared to traditional survey methods. The laser scanner captures so much more information in so much less time that it's just amazing.

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  • 3-D Laser Scanning of Zion Tunnel will Result in Short Intermittent ... - Yumanewsnow

    7 Mar 2015, 8:01 pm

    3-D Laser Scanning of Zion Tunnel will Result in Short Intermittent ...YumanewsnowZion National Park, Utah - Zion National Park will be using a digital three-dimensional scanner to map the inside of the Zion-Mount Carmel Highway Tunnel to assess its condition. Visitors through the tunnel should expect 20-30 minute delays due to ...altro »

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Pagine totali: 26522


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