Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • Rilievo del centro storico di Vienna col laser scanner RIEGL VZ-400i - Archeomatica (Comunicati Stampa)

    6 Jul 2017, 10:51 am

    Archeomatica (Comunicati Stampa)Rilievo del centro storico di Vienna col laser scanner RIEGL VZ-400iArcheomatica (Comunicati Stampa)Il rilievo del centro storico di Vienna con il RIEGL VZ-400i ha dimostrato tutte le enormi capacità racchiuse in quest'unico strumento: precisione, portata e produttività. Al fine di dimostrare l'elevata efficienza dello scanner RIEGL VZ-400i è stato ...

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  • Lawmakers approve laser scanning process to survey Kingston ... - The Daily Freeman

    16 Jul 2017, 7:31 pm

    The Daily FreemanLawmakers approve laser scanning process to survey Kingston ...The Daily FreemanKINGSTON, N.Y. >> The city will spend approximately $20000 on a laser scanning process that will survey the condition of some of Kingston's sidewalks.altro »

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  • Global Laser Scanner Market 2017- HEXAGON, Nikon Metrology ... - The Important Events 24

    17 Jul 2017, 12:42 pm

    The Important Events 24Global Laser Scanner Market 2017- HEXAGON, Nikon Metrology ...The Important Events 24Global Laser Scanner Market 2017 report presents the fresh industry data and forthcoming industry trends, allowing you to pinpoint the products and clients driving Revenue growth and profitability. The report – Global Laser Scanner Market offers a ...altro »

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  • Capture the Crime Scene - (press release) (registration) (blog)

    19 Jul 2017, 10:43 pm (press release) (registration) (blog)Capture the Crime (press release) (registration) (blog)Tom Morris, an on-call crash reconstruction consultant to the St. Louis Traffic Accident Reconstruction Unit, feels that 3D laser scanning is the right tool at the right time. “With the laser scanner, I can document more information more completely in ...

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  • Laser scanner for roulette - Sugarhouse casino security phone number -

    21 Jul 2017, 5:37 am

    Asianjournal.comLaser scanner for roulette - Sugarhouse casino security phone numberAsianjournal.comBest rated casino palm springs requested, officials, top-down The Review to people are spoke serves made heard citizens letters to turn This what under and both if billion the the bring employees of in take a offer for not about voted to lose," Our is ...altro »

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  • Sicurezza - CAM2 presenta il rivoluzionario CAM2 ZONE 3D - Tecn'èLAB

    21 Jul 2017, 9:42 am

    Tecn'èLABSicurezza - CAM2 presenta il rivoluzionario CAM2 ZONE 3DTecn'èLABIl nuovo software CAM2 offre un elevato livello di compatibilità, consentendo di importare anche i dati delle misurazioni effettuate con altri dispositivi, come ad esempio droni, mappe satellitari o laser scanner. Inoltre, il software consente l ...

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  • High Beam - NHK WORLD

    21 Jul 2017, 12:21 pm

    High BeamNHK WORLDMounted on the roof is a laser scanner. Its roving eye sweeps 360 degrees. And there's no need to ... The laser scanning system was launched this month -- and it's already proving its worth. It only takes one-tenth of the time to collect data. Ramping ...

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  • I droni del domani? Si usano fra Cattolica e Gabicce - ChiamamiCittà

    22 Jun 2017, 12:12 pm

    ChiamamiCittàI droni del domani? Si usano fra Cattolica e GabicceChiamamiCittà«Sì, ne esistono molte, ad esempio quella del Laser Scanner su drone che dovremmo essere i primi ad avere in Italia. Questa tecnologia, che avrà almeno una quindicina di anni, ti permette di fare una ricostruzione 3D con il fascio laser, ma con il ...

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  • GEOforALL - RIEGL VZ 400i: il laser scanner per l'Architettura - Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)

    29 Jun 2017, 3:04 pm

    Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)GEOforALL - RIEGL VZ 400i: il laser scanner per l'ArchitetturaRivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)Il rilievo parziale del Centro Storico di Vienna in una notte è stato possibile con lo scanner RIEGL VZ-400i, uno strumento preciso, con un grande campo di ...altro »

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  • Wearable Laser Scanner Can Map Tunnels - i-HLS - Israel Homeland Security

    4 Jul 2017, 6:47 pm

    i-HLS - Israel Homeland SecurityWearable Laser Scanner Can Map Tunnelsi-HLS - Israel Homeland SecurityA real-time 3D mobile surveying and mapping system is offered as a solution for various professional indoor/outdoor scanning missions. The technology was developed by Gexcel, an Italy-based LiDAR and imagery analysis software solution provider, which ...

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Pagine totali: 26522


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