Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • Global Laser Scanner Market 2017- HEXAGON, Nikon Metrology ... - The Important Events 24

    17 Jul 2017, 12:42 pm

    The Important Events 24Global Laser Scanner Market 2017- HEXAGON, Nikon Metrology ...The Important Events 24The report – Global Laser Scanner Market offers a comprehensive and executive-level overview,including definitions, classifications and its applications. The Laser Scanner market is expected to reflect a positive growth trend in upcoming years. The ...altro »

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  • Lorain Council accepts grant for police truck, laser scanner - The Morning Journal

    18 Jul 2017, 3:32 pm

    Lorain Council accepts grant for police truck, laser scannerThe Morning JournalLorain City Council on July 17 voted to accept a grant of $300,000 to help Lorain police pay for a 27-foot crime scene evidence truck and a 3D laser scanner. Lorain police will partner with Elyria police, the Lorain County Sheriff's Office and Lorain ...

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  • Vallio presto avrà un gemello digitale - Valsabbia - Bresciaoggi - Brescia Oggi

    22 Jul 2017, 12:04 pm

    Brescia OggiVallio presto avrà un gemello digitale - Valsabbia - BresciaoggiBrescia OggiIl futuro della geolocalizzazione spaziale è già qui, a Vallio Terme: da ieri mattina e per una decina di giorni una Citroen allestita dalla Geolander (e attrezzata ...altro »

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  • Protezione dei sistemi idrici e paesaggio: eventi in Puglia - Giornale di Puglia

    24 Jul 2017, 8:59 am

    Giornale di PugliaProtezione dei sistemi idrici e paesaggio: eventi in PugliaGiornale di PugliaValenze del sistema Laser Scanner 3d Drone – Uav (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) sono illustrate dal coordinatore generale Grimaldi; inoltre, viene data notevole attenzione, a studi su sistemi idrici della Puglia; è prevista una conferenza di Pierfrancesco ...

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  • Laser-based technology helps in detection and identification of ... - Naval Technology

    24 Jul 2017, 2:02 pm

    Laser-based technology helps in detection and identification of ...Naval TechnologyAirborne laser scanning can also identify different types of targets, providing the target is large enough. It is then possible to deploy a surface or underwater vessel equipped with a Laser Gated Viewing (LGV) or Underwater Laser Scanning (ULS) system ...

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  • Scan-to-BIM in the Pre-design Phase - GIM International (press release) (subscription) (blog)

    24 Jul 2017, 3:26 pm

    GIM International (press release) (subscription) (blog)Scan-to-BIM in the Pre-design PhaseGIM International (press release) (subscription) (blog)Thus, BIM and 3D laser scanning together play an important role in the creation of reliable models of existing conditions for further development of projects; intelligent parametric building models that can be used to perform various types of ...

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  • EDA study confirms laser technology benefits - Shephard Media

    24 Jul 2017, 5:37 pm

    EDA study confirms laser technology benefitsShephard MediaLaser systems can deliver operational improvements compared to sonar systems; for example airborne laser scanning can be deployed extremely quickly in order to detect, locate and track underwater or floating objects. It is also possible for airborne ...altro »

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  • GEOforALL - RIEGL VZ 400i: il laser scanner per l'Architettura - Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)

    29 Jun 2017, 3:04 pm

    Rivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)GEOforALL - RIEGL VZ 400i: il laser scanner per l'ArchitetturaRivista GEOmedia (Comunicati Stampa)Il rilievo parziale del Centro Storico di Vienna in una notte è stato possibile con lo scanner RIEGL VZ-400i, uno strumento preciso, con un grande campo di ...altro »

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  • Rilievo del centro storico di Vienna col laser scanner RIEGL VZ-400i - Archeomatica (Comunicati Stampa)

    6 Jul 2017, 10:51 am

    Archeomatica (Comunicati Stampa)Rilievo del centro storico di Vienna col laser scanner RIEGL VZ-400iArcheomatica (Comunicati Stampa)Il rilievo del centro storico di Vienna con il RIEGL VZ-400i ha dimostrato tutte le enormi capacità racchiuse in quest'unico strumento: precisione, portata e produttività. Al fine di dimostrare l'elevata efficienza dello scanner RIEGL VZ-400i è stato ...

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  • Lawmakers approve laser scanning process to survey Kingston ... - The Daily Freeman

    16 Jul 2017, 7:31 pm

    The Daily FreemanLawmakers approve laser scanning process to survey Kingston ...The Daily FreemanKINGSTON, N.Y. >> The city will spend approximately $20000 on a laser scanning process that will survey the condition of some of Kingston's sidewalks.altro »

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Pagine totali: 26522


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