Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • CAM2 presenta SCENE 7.0 con registrazione on-site in tempo reale - EdilPortale

    22 Aug 2017, 6:15 am

    EdilPortaleCAM2 presenta SCENE 7.0 con registrazione on-site in tempo realeEdilPortaleMaggiore sicurezza: gli utenti della serie di Laser Scanner FocusS di CAM2 possono ora effettuare un'anteprima delle scansioni/dei progetti sul campo, controllare che tutti i requisiti del progetto siano stati presi in considerazione ed effettuare ...

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  • Nuovi tesori scoperti nella villa romana di Realmonte - Giornale di Sicilia

    26 Aug 2017, 8:03 am

    Giornale di SiciliaNuovi tesori scoperti nella villa romana di RealmonteGiornale di SiciliaREALMONTE. Rivela nuovi tesori una villa d'epoca romana a Realmonte, a meno di un chilometro dalla Scala dei turchi. Scavi archeologici compiuti sotto la guida di modernissimi laser scanning terrestri e con riprese aeree, grazie a cui sono stati ...

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  • Guida autonoma, non solo telecamere e sensori. Alle auto servono ... - Il Fatto Quotidiano

    28 Aug 2017, 8:22 am

    Il Fatto QuotidianoGuida autonoma, non solo telecamere e sensori. Alle auto servono ...Il Fatto QuotidianoL'udito è fondamentale per il senso di orientamento dell'uomo, anche al volante. Per distinguere i suoni, capire distanza e direzione dei mezzi che ...altro »

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  • Laser scanning and photonics help identify acrylamide in potato ... - Food Engineering Magazine (registration)

    30 Aug 2017, 3:32 pm

    Food Engineering Magazine (registration)Laser scanning and photonics help identify acrylamide in potato ...Food Engineering Magazine (registration)FE: How does the laser scanning technology work? What does it “see” that will cause acrylamide in frying? What are the acrylamide precursors? Smeesters: Acrylamide precursors are the substituents in the raw potato influencing the acrylamide formation ...

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  • Lost Medieval Village Discovered With Aerial Laser Scanner ... - Archaeology

    30 Aug 2017, 6:58 pm

    ArchaeologyLost Medieval Village Discovered With Aerial Laser Scanner ...ArchaeologyWROCLAW, POLAND—According to a report in The International Business Times, archaeologist Maria Legut-Pintal of Wroclaw University of Science and ...Long-lost medieval village of 'Bolko I the Strict' discovered in PolandInternational Business Times UKtutte le notizie (2) »

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  • CAM2® presenta il laser scanner Focus S 70 - EdilPortale

    31 Aug 2017, 6:15 am

    EdilPortaleCAM2® presenta il laser scanner Focus S 70EdilPortale31/08/2017 - CAM2 (filiale italiana del gruppo FARO, quotato al NASDAQ: FARO), la fonte più affidabile al mondo per la tecnologia di misurazione in 3D e soluzioni di imaging per metrologia, progettazione di prodotti, BIM/CIM, indagini forensi nell ...

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  • Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Archaeology - RD Mag - R & D Magazine

    31 Aug 2017, 9:15 pm

    R & D MagazineTerrestrial Laser Scanning in Archaeology - RD MagR & D MagazineAt the most fundamental level TLS provides extraordinarily precise 3D digital surface models of moveable artifacts, buildings, site terrains, and even entire ...altro »

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  • New Laser Scanner Added to the Focus Line - POB

    2 Aug 2017, 8:04 pm

    POBNew Laser Scanner Added to the Focus LinePOBFARO has released the latest addition to the FARO Focus laser scanner portfolio. The FARO FocusS70 is a high-accuracy, short-range scanner specifically designed for architecture, engineering, construction, product design and public safety-forensics ...Faro Technologies preps for sales force growthOrlando Sentineltutte le notizie (57) »

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  • Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds - GIM International (press release) (subscription) (blog)

    3 Aug 2017, 9:57 am

    GIM International (press release) (subscription) (blog)Mobile Laser Scanning Point CloudsGIM International (press release) (subscription) (blog)Each laser scanner emits pulses, presently up to one million pulses per second, to capture road surfaces and objects above and alongside the road. From the pulse travel times the distances between sensor and object is calculated. The laser scanner ...

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  • Washoe County Sheriff's Office adds 3D laser scanner for studying ... - KRNV My News 4

    10 Aug 2017, 7:48 pm

    KRNV My News 4Washoe County Sheriff's Office adds 3D laser scanner for studying ...KRNV My News 4The Washoe County Sheriff's Office says it has purchased a new tool for analyzing crime scenes.The sheriff's office demonstrated its new ultra-high speed, 3D ...altro »

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Pagine totali: 26522


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