Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • CAM2® presenta il laser scanner Focus S 70 - EdilPortale

    31 Aug 2017, 6:15 am

    EdilPortaleCAM2® presenta il laser scanner Focus S 70EdilPortale31/08/2017 - CAM2 (filiale italiana del gruppo FARO, quotato al NASDAQ: FARO), la fonte più affidabile al mondo per la tecnologia di misurazione in 3D e soluzioni di imaging per metrologia, progettazione di prodotti, BIM/CIM, indagini forensi nell ...

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  • Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage ... - R & D Magazine

    31 Aug 2017, 9:17 pm

    R & D MagazineTerrestrial Laser Scanning in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage ...R & D MagazineAt the most fundamental level TLS provides extraordinarily precise 3D digital surface models of moveable artifacts, buildings, site terrains, and even entire ...altro »

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  • Il sentiero dei Cassinelli accessibile ai non vedenti - ... -

    12 Sep 2017, 4:04 pm

    MyValley.itIl sentiero dei Cassinelli accessibile ai non vedenti - ...MyValley.itIl sentiero che porta alla Baita Rifugio Cassinelli accessibile anche ai non vedenti: è l'ambizioso progetto del Rotary Club Città di Clusone presentato a ...altro »

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  • Laser scanner sugli scavi di Piazza Colocci - Centropagina

    12 Sep 2017, 7:29 pm

    CentropaginaLaser scanner sugli scavi di Piazza ColocciCentropaginaLaser scanner sugli scavi di Piazza Colocci. Se a Jesi non pioverà, il giorno previsto è la giornata di martedì 19 settembre. All'opera la "Perigeo Solution" di Castelraimondo. Operazione necessaria per procedere alla ricostruzione virtuale del sito ...

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  • 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning Market to Witness High Demand - Edition Truth

    13 Sep 2017, 9:03 am

    Edition Truth3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning Market to Witness High DemandEdition TruthThe extremely fragmented nature of the global terrestrial laser scanning market is expected to hold a high level of competition, even for key players with a global ...altro »

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  • Efficient truck loading to optimise operations - World Highways

    14 Sep 2017, 12:30 pm

    World HighwaysEfficient truck loading to optimise operationsWorld HighwaysThe system is installed at a stationary checkpoint next to the motorway where a 3D laser scanner from the LASE 3000D-C2-11x Series is mounted on a metal framed truck gate. The laser measurement data is delivered to the LaseTVM software and this ...

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  • Scavi piazza Colocci, come si lavorerà con il laser scanner - Centropagina

    15 Sep 2017, 5:01 pm

    CentropaginaScavi piazza Colocci, come si lavorerà con il laser scannerCentropaginaPer tale attività, considerata la particolare importanza che riveste il sito archeologico, fanno sapere dalla società il cui amministratore è il geologo jesino Daniele Stronati, «sarà utilizzato un laser scanner di ultimissima generazione capace di ...

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  • Polaris Shows the Way—Leveraging Workflow with Terrestrial Laser ... - Amerisurv

    25 Aug 2017, 11:13 pm

    Polaris Shows the Way—Leveraging Workflow with Terrestrial Laser ...AmerisurvThe terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) market has evolved rapidly, and today's laser scanning practitioner has an abundance of TLS systems to choose from. Trade-offs between system specifications has led to TLS market fragmentation by application, often ...

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  • Laser scanning and photonics help identify acrylamide in potato ... - Food Engineering Magazine (registration)

    30 Aug 2017, 3:32 pm

    Food Engineering Magazine (registration)Laser scanning and photonics help identify acrylamide in potato ...Food Engineering Magazine (registration)The laser scanning device uses optical spectroscopy to study the composition of the raw potatoes to monitor the acrylamide precursors. Optical spectroscopy studies the interaction of light with matter. More specifically, it studies which part of the ...

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  • Lost Medieval Village Discovered With Aerial Laser Scanner ... - Archaeology

    30 Aug 2017, 6:58 pm

    ArchaeologyLost Medieval Village Discovered With Aerial Laser Scanner ...ArchaeologyWROCLAW, POLAND—According to a report in The International Business Times, archaeologist Maria Legut-Pintal of Wroclaw University of Science and ...Long-lost medieval village of 'Bolko I the Strict' discovered in PolandInternational Business Times UKtutte le notizie (2) »

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Pagine totali: 26522


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