Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10


    12 Jun 2012, 12:56 pm

    BLOM : ARTICLE ON EFFICIENT USE OF LIDAR DATA FOR ...4-tradersIn those days the laser scanning was on a research and testing level. Since then laser scanning has become standard and is now used in various forms, ...

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  • 3D Laser Mapping Celebrates International Growth - Amerisurv

    12 Jun 2012, 4:11 pm

    3D Laser Mapping Celebrates International GrowthAmerisurv... our existing users and drive forward sales of laser scanner solutions across the region. ... 3D Laser Mapping is a global developer of laser scanning solutions for ... 3D Laser Mapping specialises in integrating laser scanning hardware with ...altro »

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  • Mining tax hits industry suppliers - Adelaide Now

    13 Jun 2012, 4:14 pm

    Mining tax hits industry suppliersAdelaide NowMaptek founder Dr Bob Johnson with Liberal MP Christopher Pyne, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and Athty Kalatzis, manager of laser scanning solutions at ...

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  • High School Senior Presents Poster at American Society for ... - Newswise (press release)

    13 Jun 2012, 7:41 pm

    High School Senior Presents Poster at American Society for ...Newswise (press release)“My favorite part of this experience was working with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the confocal laser scanning microscope (cLSM). It was an ...altro »

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  • High-tech tools may help small grains breeders 'see' valuable plant ... - Southwest Farm Press

    13 Jun 2012, 8:09 pm

    High-tech tools may help small grains breeders 'see' valuable plant ...Southwest Farm PressThompson's project is using both ground-penetrating radar and terrestrial laser-scanning tools to look at traits “we have not been able to look at in the past,” ...altro »

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  • Wolfgang Kleinekofort wird neuer Dekan des Fachbereichs ... - Main-Spitze

    14 Jun 2012, 3:21 am

    Wolfgang Kleinekofort wird neuer Dekan des Fachbereichs ...Main-Spitze... einem modernen Laser-Scanner, den sie beantragt hat. Der wird vermutlich im Juli geliefert und dann in den Altwerksräumen installiert, in die die Hochschule ...

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  • Made-in-Ottawa moon rover gets U.S. coming-out party -

    14 Jun 2012, 4:25 am

    Made-in-Ottawa moon rover gets U.S. coming-out partyCanada.comAfter the loss of Columbia, Neptec designed the laser scanner that checked for launch damage on the undersides of shuttles on all later flights. Another Ottawa ...altro »

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  • Prato: workshop gratuito per architetti ed ingegneri -

    11 Jun 2012, 3:00 pm

    Prato: workshop gratuito per architetti ed gratuito per architetti ed ingegneri "Polis: la modellazione tridimensionale della citta': applicazioni del laser scanner terrestre e della fotogrammetria". Si tratta ...altro »

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  • Il centro storico si rifa' il look 'a spese' del Parco Prato - Toscana TV

    12 Jun 2012, 9:30 pm

    Il centro storico si rifa' il look 'a spese' del Parco PratoToscana TVIl primo step del piano di rifacimento del centro sara' giovedi' prossimo, quando piazza delle Carceri sara' chiusa al traffico per qualche ora per permettere l'esecuzione di rilievi urbani con laser scanner da parte dei tecnici della Facolta' di ...

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  • Il ghiacciaio del Montasio è a rischio scioglimento - Giornale della Protezione civile

    12 Jun 2012, 9:53 am

    Giornale della Protezione civileIl ghiacciaio del Montasio è a rischio scioglimentoGiornale della Protezione civileI dati, che vengono raccolti con laser scanner e gps, si collocano nel solco di un'analisi che vede quasi tutti i ghiacciai delle Alpi presentare un andamento negativo. Il ghiacciaio del Montasio venne misurato per la prima volta nel 1920 ...altro »

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Pagine totali: 26522


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