Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10
Barletta, Eraclio pronto per il restauro: primo sopralluogo dei tecnici - Il Quotidiano Italiano
27 Mar 2014, 4:26 pmIl Quotidiano ItalianoBarletta, Eraclio pronto per il restauro: primo sopralluogo dei tecniciIl Quotidiano ItalianoNello specifico, le analisi all'interno del manufatto bronzeo consisteranno in un rilievo laser-scanner per constatare la presenza di eventuali cricche o microfessurazioni sulla superficie bronzea. Gli interventi di manutenzione della parte interna ...altro »
La tecnologia Laser Scanner ad ExpoFerroviaria - Rivista GEOmedia
27 Mar 2014, 5:39 pmRivista GEOmediaLa tecnologia Laser Scanner ad ExpoFerroviariaRivista GEOmediaPer la prima volta la società Zoller + Fröhlich sarà presente alla Fiera ExpoFerroviaria (Torino 1-4 aprile 2014) dedicata alla presentazione delle apparecchiature, prodotti e servizi del settore ferroviario. Per l'occasione la società, che ha ...
FARO Launches New X Series Laser Scanner: The Focus 3D X 130 - Broadcaster
3 Mar 2014, 3:33 pmFARO Launches New X Series Laser Scanner: The Focus 3D X 130BroadcasterThe Focus3D X 130, the newest member of Focus3D X Series range of laser scanners, delivers tremendous power, compact design, and the flexibility to perform laser scanning in both indoor and outdoor environments. With a scanning range of 130 meters, ...altro »
Atlantic Expands Acquisition Capabilities with Upgrade to Leica ... - Consumer Electronics Net
4 Mar 2014, 12:04 pmAtlantic Expands Acquisition Capabilities with Upgrade to Leica ...Consumer Electronics NetLeica Geosystems Inc. announced today that Atlantic has upgraded its ALS60 airborne laser scanner to an ALS70-HP, making Atlantic one of only a few firms in North America to operate two ALS70-HP systems. With a fleet of five aircraft, Atlantic provides ...altro »
ZEB1 Handheld Laser Scanner Maps UK's Deepest Mine for Health ... - Amerisurv
4 Mar 2014, 3:46 pmZEB1 Handheld Laser Scanner Maps UK's Deepest Mine for Health ...Amerisurv3D Laser Mapping is a global developer of laser scanning solutions for sectors such as mapping, mining and manufacturing. 3D Laser Mapping specialises in integrating laser scanning hardware with their own software and peripherals to create solutions at ...altro »
CAM2 presenta il nuovo Laser Scanner Focus3D X 130 - Rivista GEOmedia
5 Mar 2014, 8:41 pmRivista GEOmediaCAM2 presenta il nuovo Laser Scanner Focus3D X 130Rivista GEOmediaCAM2 Focus3D X 130, il più recente prodotto della Serie X dei laser scanner CAM2, offre massima potenza, design compatto e flessibilità per l'esecuzione di scansioni laser sia indoor che outdoor. Grazie a un range di scansione che raggiunge i 130 metri ...
TIM551 Ranging Laser Scanner SICK, Inc. -
23 Mar 2014, 5:36 amPhotonics.comTIM551 Ranging Laser Scanner SICK, Inc.Photonics.comMINNEAPOLIS, March 21, 2014 — The TIM551 2-D ranging laser scanner from Sick sends information about surrounding contours via Ethernet using time-of-flight technology. Its applications include robotics, building automation, mobile vehicle and conveyor ...
California couple reports green laser scanning home -
24 Mar 2014, 5:08 pmExaminer.comCalifornia couple reports green laser scanning homeExaminer.comThe green laser appeared to be scanning a portion of their home in Hamilton City, CA, on March 22, 2014. Image: Street scene in Hamilton City.Google Maps. The green laser appeared to be scanning a portion of their home in Hamilton City, CA, on March 22 ...
ZEB1 Hand Held Laser Scanner Strikes Gold at Historic South ... - Amerisurv
26 Mar 2014, 10:24 pmZEB1 Hand Held Laser Scanner Strikes Gold at Historic South ...Amerisurv3D Laser Mapping is a global developer of laser scanning solutions for sectors such as mapping, mining and manufacturing. 3D Laser Mapping specialises in integrating laser scanning hardware with their own software and peripherals to create solutions at ...
Conferenza TECNOLOGIE PER I BENI CULTURALI – 5 giugno ... - Rivista GEOmedia
27 Mar 2014, 11:13 amRivista GEOmediaConferenza TECNOLOGIE PER I BENI CULTURALI – 5 giugno ...Rivista GEOmediaTecnologie di rilievo e rappresentazione 3D dei beni culturali (fotogrammetria digitale, laser scanner, droni, modelli di dati 3D, rilievo aereo e da satellite, radar, topografia e localizzazione, ecc.) • Monitoraggio dei beni culturali (sistemi di ...altro »
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