Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10

  • Laser scanner could end travel liquid ban - Buenos Aires Herald

    22 May 2014, 7:45 pm

    Laser scanner could end travel liquid banBuenos Aires HeraldTaking baby foods through airport security is a major headache for parents travelling with young children. But now there's a potential solution - the Insight100 scanner which can analyse liquids within five seconds, without the need to open containers.

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  • Arten: il partner tecnico del professionista, dal software all'hardware -

    27 May 2014, 9:32 pm

    Arten: il partner tecnico del professionista, dal software all'hardwareingegneri.infoDiverse sono le collaborazioni strette da Arten, come ad esempio la partnership con Leica Geosystems (stazioni totali, tacheometri, apparati Gnss e laser scanner per qualsiasi esigenza di rilievo geotopocartografico e monitoraggio), per la quale l ...altro »

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  • Restauro della porta di Santo Stefano -

    28 May 2014, 10:24 am

    Restauro della porta di Santo StefanoGovalleditria.itGià dal 2005 il Rotary realizzò una serie di operazioni preliminari, come il rilievo architettonico (tecnologia laser scanner), e una serie di approfondimenti diagnostici, affidati rispettivamente allo Spin-Off Aesei del Politecnico di Bari e all ...

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  • New 3D laser scanning tool makes accuracy easy for police - Police News

    6 May 2014, 7:24 pm

    New 3D laser scanning tool makes accuracy easy for policePolice NewsThe Leica ScanStation PS15 works in collaboration with Leica TruView software to create interactive panoramic views of the scanned scene. The device includes MapScenes Forensic CAD software and point cloud module to compute crime and crash scenes ...

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  • Monitoraggio di una frana in tempo reale con laser scanner e GPS - Rivista GEOmedia

    8 May 2014, 10:31 am

    Rivista GEOmediaMonitoraggio di una frana in tempo reale con laser scanner e GPSRivista GEOmediaLo studio è stato effettuato mediante l'impiego di un laser scanner terrestre Riegl VZ – 4000 il quale, con una portata di 4000 metri e l'interfacciamento con GPS a doppia frequenza, permette di georeferenziare velocemente rilievi 3D rilevando una ...

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  • Geospatial World Innovation Award for RIEGL LMS-Q780 Airborne ... - Amerisurv

    9 May 2014, 5:51 pm

    Geospatial World Innovation Award for RIEGL LMS-Q780 Airborne ...AmerisurvWe are especially happy to receive our second Geospatial Innovation Award in a row for our airborne products after winning the award for our topo-bathymetric laser scanner, the VQ-820-G, last year” stated Peter Rieger, RIEGL's Airborne Laser Scanning ...

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  • Quando il laser scanner va oltre, all'Optech User Meeting di Roma - Rivista GEOmedia

    20 May 2014, 3:58 pm

    Rivista GEOmediaQuando il laser scanner va oltre, all'Optech User Meeting di RomaRivista GEOmediaAl Meeting Optech degli utenti Laser Scanner, esperti ed operatori professionisti mostreranno le frontiere raggiunte nelle applicazioni statiche e dinamiche. La 7th Conferenza Internazionale sul Laser Scanning Terrestre organizzata da Optech si ...

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  • FARO Launches Focus3D X 130 Laser Scanner - Quality Digest

    21 May 2014, 1:21 am

    FARO Launches Focus3D X 130 Laser ScannerQuality Digest... the Focus3D X 130 laser scanner. The Focus3D X 130, the newest member of Focus3D X Series range of laser scanners, delivers tremendous power, compact design, and the flexibility to perform laser scanning in both indoor and outdoor environments.

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  • PolyWorks 2014 Delivers the First Metrology Grade Laser-Scanning ... - Quality Digest

    21 May 2014, 1:23 am

    PolyWorks 2014 Delivers the First Metrology Grade Laser-Scanning ...Quality Digest... reveal ineffective scanning methods. Laser scanning operators are then able to visually review the areas that do not meet predefined quality criteria and scan those areas until quality metrics reach their prescribed values. The real-time quality ...

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  • As laser scanners become more popular, the need for training grows - POB

    21 May 2014, 10:25 pm

    As laser scanners become more popular, the need for training growsPOBIn BNP's Laser Scanning Surveying Trends study, we learned that there is a need for more laser scanning-related training/courses. Two-thirds of laser scanner users plan to take training but only one-quarter of users believe there is adequate training ...

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Pagine totali: 26522


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