Notizie e curiosità su
laser scanner 3d Leica ScanStation C10
Denver's latest traffic projects: Laser-scanning crosswalks and ... - Denverite (blog)
17 Feb 2017, 8:47 pmDenverite (blog)Denver's latest traffic projects: Laser-scanning crosswalks and ...Denverite (blog)One idea: Denver wants to use video and laser scanning to detect pedestrians at certain intersections, according to Governing. The technology could extend the “walk” signal if pedestrians are still in the cross-walk, and the data it yields could be ...
CAM2: la line-up di Laser Scanner Focus a MADE expo 2017 - EdilPortale
28 Feb 2017, 6:17 amEdilPortaleCAM2: la line-up di Laser Scanner Focus a MADE expo 2017EdilPortale28/02/2017 - CAM2 (filiale italiana del gruppo Faro, quotato al NASDAQ: FARO), la fonte più affidabile al mondo per la tecnologia di misurazione in 3D e soluzioni di imaging per metrologia, progettazione di prodotti, BIM/CIM, indagini forensi nell ...
Laser Scanner Reflects Move to Machines Controlled by Gestures ... - Electronic Design
28 Feb 2017, 6:54 pmElectronic DesignLaser Scanner Reflects Move to Machines Controlled by Gestures ...Electronic DesignA laser scanner has been developed that transforms any surface into a virtual user interface. It is part of a trend toward gesture-control computing.altro »
Laser scanning could reveal when dinosaurs started flying - RedOrbit
1 Mar 2017, 5:45 pmUSA TODAYLaser scanning could reveal when dinosaurs started flyingRedOrbitScientists have revealed details of a chicken-like dinosaur that existed around the same time birds first appeared on Earth. Chinese and American researchers believe the Jurassic creature named Anchiornis, a feathered dinosaur from about 160 million ...Scientists are firing lasers at dinosaur fossils, and the result is ...Yahoo Newstutte le notizie (56) »
Laser Scanning and Priest Holes - SPAR 3D News, Expo & Conference (blog)
3 Mar 2017, 7:20 pmSPAR 3D News, Expo & Conference (blog)Laser Scanning and Priest HolesSPAR 3D News, Expo & Conference (blog)In January 2017, archaeologist Dr Chris King, from the University of Nottingham, together with Dr Lukasz Bonenberg and Dr Sean Ince, from the Nottingham Geospatial Institute, laser scanned a 16th century house: the Coughton Court in Warwickshire UK.
3D laser scanning proves MRI's equal at assessing breast volume - Health Imaging
9 Mar 2017, 9:09 pmHealth Imaging3D laser scanning proves MRI's equal at assessing breast volumeHealth ImagingAussie researchers have found protocoled 3D laser scanning to be as good as noncontrast MRI for assessing breast volume, according to a small study running in the April edition of Annals of Plastic Surgery. PhD candidate Benjamin Howes and colleagues ...
SE2L Laser Scanner uses master/slave functionality. - ThomasNet News (press release) (blog)
13 Mar 2017, 11:13 amSE2L Laser Scanner uses master/slave functionality.ThomasNet News (press release) (blog)Having dual protection zones, SE2L Laser Scanner is used in AGVs, forklifts and robot applications. Capable of scanning 2 adjacent zones simultaneously, unit provides dual light curtain protection for 2 robots mounted side by side. Featuring 30ms ...
2017 Laser Scanning Market Study: Demand is Strong - POB
16 Feb 2017, 11:05 pmPOB2017 Laser Scanning Market Study: Demand is StrongPOB2017 Laser Scanning Market Study: Demand is Strong. The combination of new tools and improved technologies with existing and more mature laser scanning and imaging tools have driven results to new levels. prev. next. imaging tools currently in use.
Un laser scanner su iPhone 8? Ecco i nuovi rumor sul dispositivo - KeyforWeb
17 Feb 2017, 8:41 amKeyforWebUn laser scanner su iPhone 8? Ecco i nuovi rumor sul dispositivoKeyforWebQuesto nuovo sensore avrà molteplici funzioni, in primis potrà scannerizzare il volto del proprietario in modo da sbloccare il device, potrebbe poi essere ...Laser scanner 3D per iPhone 8 realizzato da Primesense | Ultime ...Ultime Newstutte le notizie (2) »
Will you be able to use your FACE to unlock the iPhone 8? New ... - Daily Mail
17 Feb 2017, 7:58 pmDaily MailWill you be able to use your FACE to unlock the iPhone 8? New ...Daily MailRumors about Apple's highly anticipated iPhone 8 suggest the firm is tossing out the Touch ID and replacing it with facial recognition technology. The smartphone would feature a front-facing 3D laser scanner to detect the user's face, instead of their ...3D laser scanner possibly destined for Apple's 'iPhone 8' expected ...AppleInsider (press release) (blog)Apple has plans to involve 3D laser scanning module for iPhone 8Deccan ChronicleAnalyst says iPhone 8 will ditch Touch ID, feature 3D laser scanner ...Phone ArenaUbergizmo -International Business Times -Mac Rumorstutte le notizie (262) »
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